

做手术的理由有很多. 有些手术可以缓解疼痛 阻止疼痛. Others can reduce a symptom of a problem or improve how 你的身体机能. 做一些手术是为了找出 产生问题. 不管是什么目的,高质量的外科护理都能达到 fewer complications and – most importantly -- better outcomes and 降低成本. 我们的北橡树外科服务团队关心您的 family and gives you the personal attention you deserve.



Cardiothoracic surgery involves surgical treatment of organs inside the 胸部,心脏和肺部. 在北橡树医院进行心胸外科手术 by qualified surgeons who are board-certified in surgery and thoracic surgery.

阅读并遵循说明 在此PDF文件中 to enhance your recovery after CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft) Surgery.


Ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeons at North Oaks are board-certified and perform surgical procedures for ENT conditions and related areas of the 头部和颈部,包括甲状腺. 对于那些患有慢性 sinus conditions, North Oaks also offers a gentle procedure that is less invasive than traditional surgery called Balloon SinuplastyTM.


The surgical treatment of eye 障碍 at North Oaks is performed by our board-certified ophthalmologist who specializes in small incision cataract 外科手术,对晶状体有丰富的经验


Your podiatrist may recommend foot surgery if your foot problem does not respond well to conventional treatments or if a deformity exists.


Common surgical procedures performed by our general surgeons include breast cancer-related procedures, colonoscopies, colon resections, gall bladder removals, hernia repairs, laparoscopic procedures, non-cancerous and cancerous 肿瘤,脾切除术和甲状腺切除术.

阅读并遵循说明 在此PDF文件中 to enhance your recovery 结肠手术后.


当 medication and non-invasive procedures are unable to relieve symptoms, surgery remains the accepted and most effective treatment for a range of gynecologic conditions such as cervical and uterine cancer, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, uterine prolapse and excessive bleeding.

阅读并遵循说明 在此PDF文件中 to enhance your recovery 子宫切除术后.


Minimally invasive surgery has several benefits compared to traditional surgery including smaller incisions and scars, less blood loss, less pain, shorter hospital stay and quicker recovery and return to routine activity. Surgeons at North Oaks perform many procedures using minimally invasive 技术,包括腹腔镜手术.


North Oaks neurosurgeons are highly trained to perform surgery on the nervous system, especially the brain and spinal cord, of those with diverse neurological 障碍.

口服 & 颌面外科

Dental restorations and extractions are performed with precision by oral 和北橡树的颌面外科医生.


Back pain, sports injuries, arthritic hips and knees, and stiff neck muscles are just a few of the musculoskeletal conditions that have an enormous 对美国人的影响. 北橡树的整形外科医生可以处理这一切.

阅读并遵循说明 在此PDF文件中 来促进你在髋关节和膝关节手术后的恢复.


There are several non-surgical treatments for chronic pain. 当这些 therapies do not work to reduce symptoms and the cause of your pain has 确诊后,医生可能会建议进行手术. 北橡树提供 several pain management procedures with an emphasis on minimally invasive 让你重新享受生活的技巧.


机器人 surgery provides patients with an alternative to both traditional open surgery and conventional laparoscopy, putting a surgeon's hands at 先进机器人平台的控制. 通过机器人辅助手术, physicians at North Oaks can perform complex and delicate surgeries using 切口小,精度高.


Surgery may be performed by board-certified North Oaks trauma/critical care surgeons on those who experience a body wound or shock produced by 突然的身体伤害. 北橡树的二级创伤中心有能力 to initiate immediate, lifesaving care for all injured patients 24 hours 一天,一年365天.


泌尿外科 involves the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the male and female urinary tracts, as well as male reproductive organs. 当 medication and other non-surgical treatments do not relieve symptoms, surgery is the recommended treatment for many conditions that affect the 男性生殖器官和泌尿系统器官. 其中一些情况 include, among other things, prostate cancer, ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction, bladder and kidney cancer and vesicoureteral reflux.

The da Vinci® Surgical System is being used by many surgeons worldwide 用于前列腺切除术和其他泌尿外科手术. 这是一种微创手术 approach, using the latest in surgical and robotics technologies. 机器人 surgery with the da Vinci system is ideal for both complex and delicate 泌尿道的手术. 这包括前列腺切除术,目标部位 is not only tightly confined but also surrounded by nerves that affect 泌尿控制和性功能.
