

  • 类别: 新闻报道
  • 发布:
  • 写的: Rose DePaula-Cox, m.m.D.

如果你最近加入了“40后” & 老年妇女俱乐部”(欢迎!)或长期会员, you have more than likely heard of the importance of having an annual mammogram.

的 American Medical Association and the American College of Radiology agree that at age 40+, you should have an annual screening mammogram and a physical examination of your breasts. Screenings and examinations may be recommended sooner if you have a family history of breast cancer or other increased risks.

作为母亲, 妻子和照顾者, women often put their health on the back burner, 优先考虑家庭, 职业和其他义务. 然而, getting an annual checkup is one of the most important things you can and should do for yourself and those you love.

It is estimated that one out of eight women will develop breast cancer during their lifetime, and according to the American Cancer Society, 在43,今年将有000人死于该病.

Early detection is vital to finding and identifying breast cancer when it’s more treatable, and screening is key to early detection. Annual mammograms have reduced breast cancer mortality by at least 40% over the last 25 years.

Yes, it can all seem daunting and overwhelming, but we are here to help ease your mind. 的 乳房x光检查程序 at North Oaks提供实惠的住宿, high-quality screening and diagnostic services by an experienced and caring team. 我们的高性能工具库, such as three-dimensional (3D) mammography, is clinically proven to help detect and diagnose breast cancer at its earliest stages and focuses on your comfort and convenience.

How does 3D mammography work, and what makes it so much better?

通过3D乳房x光检查, low-dose x-rays are used to create digital images of the breast taken in “slices” from numerous angles to deliver a more detailed view. Imagine the pages of a book all coming together to create an incredibly clear 3D reconstruction of your breasts that can be analyzed one page at a time.

Unlike traditional 3D mammography platforms, North Oaks’ 3D mammography unit utilizes 深刻的AI™ advanced cancer detection technology built on artificial intelligence (AI). AI helps to more efficiently scrutinize the massive amounts of data and pictures collected from the scans to find possible masses and abnormalities. 最终, potentially lifesaving results are provided to patients more quickly with increased detection rates and fewer false positives.

病人 using 3D mammography benefit from:

  • 更准确的结果
  • Faster diagnosis (Results are typically provided to your doctor within 48 hours of your visit.)
  • 改善癌症检测
  • 减少不必要的回调
  • 更少的误报
  • 全新舒适设计

除了, 3D mammography is especially beneficial for women with dense breasts because the 3D image allows doctors to see through dense breast tissue more easily.

As we recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month and celebrate all things pink this 10月, please make it a priority to check in with a health care provider to schedule a checkup. Our North Oaks team can assist you if you have been putting off your annual mammogram or are due for your first one.

那么,你还在等什么? Say, “YES, MAMM” to your 3D mammogram today.

North Oaks offers 3D mammography services at two convenient locations in 哈蒙德 and Livingston (a physician’s order is required). To schedule your checkup or 3D mammogram, call North Oaks Patient Scheduling at (985) 230-7777 from 7 a.m. 至下午五点半.m. 或访问 theextremes.net/3DMammo 最佳在线体育投注博彩公司信息.

Rose DePaula-Cox, m.m.D.
木兰产科 & 妇科