
丹妮尔分享她在医院出生的经历 Story with a Magnolia Midwife

  • 类别: 病人的故事
  • 发布:
  • 写的: 加布里埃尔·考克斯
丹妮尔分享她在医院出生的经历 Story with a Magnolia Midwife

5月6日凌晨4:41.m.那天,克劳福德一家迎来了一个奇迹. James Edward Crawford made his arrival to his parents, 丹妮尔和乔尔, 经过24小时的分娩. With just a few days before Mother’s Day, Danielle received the best gift she could have asked for.

在詹姆斯出生之前, the Crawford family had struggled with infertility for six years and suffered two miscarriages. 然而,他们的信仰从未丧失.

“The minute we heard him cry, it just made this whole process worth every second. We had gone through countless fertility treatments and one day, God just decided to give us this beautiful miracle,丹妮尔惊叫道。.

When Joel and Danielle found out they were pregnant, they knew they wanted a hospital birth under the care of a midwife. 听了朋友们的赞不绝口 艾米林, a certified nurse midwife, the Crawford’s sought her care. 当他们发现艾米要搬去 木兰产科 & 妇科在线体育投注工作, they knew they would follow her to obtain the level of care they had been searching for.

“我们见过她,我们爱她. 我们知道她会成为我们的助产士, so when we found out she was moving to North Oaks, 对我们来说,跟踪她是理所当然的,丹妮尔说。.

“I was truly honored that 丹妮尔和乔尔 chose me to care for them during their 怀孕. To be able to form a trusting relationship with your clients prenatally, manage their labor and be present at the birth is a midwife's dream. 丹妮尔和乔尔 tried for years to have a baby and to be witness to their joy and excitement was indescribable. Having the collaboration of the physicians at Magnolia, the nurses and anesthesia team to support my efforts in giving the Crawford’s the birth experience they desired was truly amazing,艾米·林恩补充道.

Danielle shared that her experience with 艾米林 and the North Oaks staff during the entire process was impeccable. She recollected that she and her husband were very nervous, but also felt a sense of calm because of the professional care they knew their family would receive.

“Amy was standing next to me while I was having the shakes and calming me down. 詹妮弗·圣文德 (certified nurse midwife) even came to check on me too. I mean this level of care, you just don’t find it anywhere else,” remarked Danielle.

As 丹妮尔和乔尔 inched their way to welcoming their firstborn, the staff were not the only ones close by to offer their support. 丹妮尔和乔尔’s parents were so excited upon the arrival of their brand new grandbaby, they had a ‘baby tailgate’ outside of the Women and Children’s Pavilion due to COVID-19 restrictions. 无论白天黑夜, 丹妮尔和乔尔 could look out their window to see their parents and other family and friends gathering around to show their love.

“如果我们不能把聚会带上去的话, we may as well bring it out here because we are staying,凯西和埃迪·哈特森暗示道, 丹尼尔的父母.

“This was a very long awaited grandbaby for my parents and for Joel’s. 我的爸爸妈妈, my whole family and every friend I have would have been in the waiting room had it not been for COVID-19 restrictions, but we still were able to feel their presence and protection nearby,丹妮尔建议道。.

在经历了漫长的几天之后, 丹妮尔和乔尔 explained that they could not be happier with their midwifery care and their overall birthing experience at North Oaks. They reiterated knowing their family will always be in good hands here.

“From every nurse, to doctor, to midwife on this floor, this whole experience has been top notch. They were all so friendly and with anything you needed, they were right there. 这之后我就再也不会去别的地方了, and I will continue to share my experience with everyone I know,丹妮尔分享道。.

To schedule an appointment with the providers of 木兰产科 & 妇科, 点击这里 或致电(985)214-0809.